Shakespeare's Tribe

Performing Shakespeare, Shakespeare in Performance

Shakespeare Resources

January 9, 2016 § 1 Comment

The New York Public Library announced this week that they were making 180,000 digitized public domain images available for hassle-free downloading and use. (See the announcement here.)

The collection contains some wonderful images of interest to Shakespeareans. As an example, have a look at this “book” of images related to Macbeth. It contains numerous photos of full productions like one of the Old Vic and the famous Orson Welles “Voodoo” Macbeth, and a set of photos of studio shots of Lady Macbeths like Sarah Bernhardt, Sada Thompson, Ellen Terry, Lili Langtry.

The collection is especially rich in photos from the early years of the New York Shakespeare Festival’s free Shakespeare-in-the-Park productions – like this one of Christopher Walken in Macbeth:

Walken in Macbeth, 1974

Walken in Macbeth, 1974

The possibilities are extensive. Next time you can afford to get sucked into an hour or two of browsing, check it out.

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